Home / Our therapy areas / BioPharmaceuticals
Through our work in BioPharmaceuticals, we want to transform healthcare, 改善数十亿人的生活,解决人类面临的一些最大的医疗保健挑战. 在治疗慢性病患者方面,仍有巨大的需求未得到满足. 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是阻止这些经常退化的进步, debilitating and life-threatening conditions. So many more people can live better, healthier lives.
澳门葡京赌博游戏部负责心血管、肾脏等关键治疗领域 & Metabolism and Respiratory & Immunology and Vaccines & Immune Therapies.
Our BioPharmaceuticals R&D和业务部门在澳门葡京赌博游戏的方法上是统一的,为最常见的慢性病患者提供改变生活的药物.
澳门葡京赌博游戏将通过澳门葡京赌博游戏才华横溢的团队和合作伙伴,利用科学技术,实现澳门葡京赌博游戏改变医疗保健的雄心, medical and commercial innovation.
BioPharmaceuticals Therapy Areas
BioPharmaceuticals R&D
BioPharmaceuticals Business Unit
Our commercial teams are transforming how we bring products to market; engage with patients, healthcare providers and health systems; and deliver healthcare solutions that support them.
Transforming patient experiences
澳门葡京赌博游戏正在利用数据分析来改变患者的体验, omnichannel approaches, 进入市场模式,共同帮助制定商业战略, improve patient and healthcare professional experiences, 并配合当地医疗生态系统和渠道偏好的演变.
Our people
澳门葡京赌博游戏将继续创造一种吸引和留住最优秀人才的商业和文化, most talented and dedicated people, 给他们提供资源和支持,以突破界限,超越平凡,帮助改善数十亿人的生活.
Join us
The future of healthcare
想象一个男人坐在家里感到恶心和疲惫的世界. He notices swelling in his legs. He is worried as he recently had a heart attack. His doctor asks for a close-up photograph of his eye. The results show he has kidney disease.
This is the future we are working towards.
This is the future we are working towards.
Heart Failure
想象一下这样一个未来:哮喘患者得到诊断并得到正确的治疗, 无论他们住在哪里,也无论他们的疾病严重程度如何.
This is the future we are working towards.
Collaborating for success
We know that however innovative our science is, however effective our medicines and delivery are, to achieve all we want to achieve we cannot do it alone. From drug discovery collaborations to commercial partnerships, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是在信任和透明的基础上建立互利的伙伴关系.
Veeva ID: Z4-52142
Date of preparation: February 2023